The young director Safae Baraka of successful sitcoms is making her big comeback this year on the small screen with “Mabrouk Zyada” scheduled for the month of Ramadan on the 2M channel.
A busy schedule for director Safae Baraka. She is preparing to film a new sitcom scheduled for the month of Ramadan. Entitled “Mabrouk Zyada”, this comedy series produced by the production company Disconnected will be broadcast on the second channel 2M. Indeed, the events of this sitcom revolve around a couple who have a new baby. Family members and friends intrude into their personal lives, leading to comical situations full of surprises. The work playfully addresses the daily challenges the couple may face at this stage and how the interventions of others affect their lives. “Mabrouk Zyada” will also bring together a selection of known and recognized figures such as Saloua Zarhane, Adnane Mouhaja, Ibtissam Laâroussi, Saida Baâdi, Hassnaa El Moumni, Rafiq Boubker, Kamar Saâdaoui, Mehdi Foulane, Bouthaina Yaakoubi and others.
That being said, Safae Baraka no longer needs to be introduced. The public knew and recognized her through several sitcoms including “L’cooperatif”, “Hay Lbahja” or “Lbahja Tani” which broke the national record in terms of audience on the 2nd channel during the month of Ramadan. Likewise, she directed “Ach Hada”, “Chkoun Kan Y9ol”, “Joudia” and other successful works. It also includes other TV films such as “Coucou Lbnante”, “Dakirat Al Hob” and “3awdat Al Madi” as well as the mini-documentary Moussem Moulay Abdelah Amghar in 2016.
For the record, Safae graduated in audiovisual editing option at the Higher Industrial Institute of Casablanca (ISIC), she was able to carry out several major projects, from simple editing to major production. With a professional degree in audiovisual journalism from the Institute of Journalism and Television Professions, she worked for 12 years at Ali’n Productions, a renowned company in the field. She was able to develop know-how and good mastery of all post-production and audiovisual production professions. During her career, she won two distinctions, notably the Prize for best editing for the documentary My Land by Nabil Ayouch during the 2011 Tangier National Festival as well as the Prize for best editing for the children’s show Wlidates Al Maghreb at the occasion of the Cairo Arab Television Festival 2010.