Gourmet echoes to bring generations together in the Fontaines district

Gourmet echoes to bring generations together in the Fontaines district
Gourmet echoes to bring generations together in the Fontaines district

Échos gourmands – designed and coordinated by the Arts multiples collective and the Trait d’union & point-virgule cultural center – is an artistic and cultural project linked to the theme “World cuisine and music”. Started in December, the actions will take place until February at the La Vallée-du-Cher nursing home.

Multiple Arts aims to set up artistic projects bringing together residents and artists. The desire is to work locally, in collaboration with local structures or establishments. Hence the choice to bring together residents of the nursing home, local residents aged 60 and over (in connection with the Maison pour tous) and CE1s from the Arthur-Rimbaud school.


Each mixed group participates, over six sessions, in song-recipe writing workshops with the artist In’K, in fun workshops on food with the Student Gerontology Association as well as in discovery workshops. gourmet books with the Villa Rabelais. The goal is to create intergenerational links, explore different cultures through cuisine and music, raise awareness of healthy eating and promote inclusion, sharing and solidarity between all stakeholders.


A restitution will conclude the project, where the groups will present their songs and the tasting of recipes. “Three cultures, three recipes. Each group chose its own : le cinnamon roll (ou cinnamon rolls, Europe)I’m sorry (Afghanistan) and the pineapple cake (Caribbean). We will share the adventure on the networks! »announces Ines Richer of Multiple Arts.

In order to supplement the funding already obtained, a campaign was launched on the Efferve’sens regional platform. This operates on the participatory matching model: citizens’ donations are matched by the Centre-Val de Region, the Crédit Mutuel du Center and the Loire-Centre Savings Bank. The goal of €6,000. If it is achieved, it will make it possible to implement the first edition of the project and to perpetuate the initiative with a second edition.



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