Since the beginning of the year, every Tuesday and Thursday, CM2 and sixth grade students from the Saint-Jean de la Croix du Relecq-Kerhuon school and college take part in a new initiative proposed by Marie-Laure Lescoat, teacher of French. “It’s a theater workshop,” notes the latter. For the sixth grade, this workshop is integrated into their timetable because these students chose the theater option at the start of the school year and they are therefore enrolled in “sixth grade – theater”. For CM2, their participation takes the form of workshops during lunch break and after school. Thus, 20 sixth graders and 40 fifth graders are part of the project.”
These workshops are led by the teacher and by an external speaker, Jérôme Serniclay, from the Baladins de la Lune company in Landerneau. “With this project entitled “The Stars of Saint-Jean”, we trace the history of theater from antiquity to the present day,” he says.
The boards of June 17
So since the beginning of the year, the students’ work has taken different forms: “At the beginning, we did little skits to describe our emotions, little exercises and, now, we are going to start working on extracts from the plays that we will present during the show on June 17,” indicates Léona, a CM2 student who will be the presenter of the evening with another.
Each CM2 group works on two plays and the sixth grade students work on a piece by Molière. If for some, like Valentin, “it’s a pleasure to do theater,” for others, like Margaux, it’s also “stressful, because the sessions move faster and faster but the teachers make it fun and we offer fun sessions.
Sustain the option
For the sixth grade, students attend these classes as “normal” classes: “The goal for this option is for it to be sustained from year to year: this year’s sixth graders will be able to follow these lessons until the third,” specifies the teacher.
Note that the week of January 20 to 24, all sixth graders and not just those in the “Theater” class will take part in theater workshops which will take them to the Astrolabe stage on Friday, January 24 at 6 p.m. : “This performance is open to everyone, particularly to the families of potential future college students.”