This Saturday, January 11, 2025 was a historic day. And for good reason, it was on this date (on TF1) that Emilien won his 17th mysterious star, allowing his prize pool to climb to €1,945,315 (and winning yet another car which will gather dust at his family).
New incredible feat from Emilien in the 12 Midi Shots
Now, if Jean-Luc Reichmann was like a madman on the set, “It’s extraordinary. He is the greatest of all the Masters of the masters of Midi. He is approaching 2 million euros at 22 years old” and that Emilien was logically happy with this new feat, remaining speechless on the set, the atmosphere was not festive on social networks. On the contrary, many Internet users – already tired by the domination of the Master of game, once again cried conspiracy.
The reason? While the personality to be guessed on the side of the star was none other than Fernando Alonso (Formula 1 driver), Emilien had recently admitted that he had no idea of his identity when he discovered the photo.
Emilien, a cheater?
-Also, seeing him finally discover the right answer this weekend, many viewers are wondering about this miraculous luck. Especially since in the Perfect Shot test just before, he had admitted to having answered randomly on numerous occasions. A confession which made his detractors laugh.
“Ahhh he had an epiphany! He didn’t recognize him and there, MIRACLE! And some talk about jealousy! No no, there is definitely cheating in this show. Maybe one day someone will have to look into it.“, we can read on Twitter, just like, “100% success with random answers, we are really taken for idiots“, “Justify the unjustifiable. His answers are becoming very suspicious. The ‘I don’t know but it works’, it stinks of cheating“, or again, “Huge cheating at the end of the gamehe has almost no answers and as if by magic the answer is often the other or an improbable deduction! Long live the headset!“
As a reminder, Jean-Luc Reichmann recently reacted to criticism against Emilien. And the TF1 host was very protective of the candidate, not hesitating to declare: “However, if you are jealous, come and try to dethrone him. He is unstoppable, he is unbeatable. (…) It cannot be debunked, but it is totally justified by 95% of the population who watch TV. There are always 5% of slanderers. But come, sign up for 12 coups de midi and come and dethrone him!“