Philippe Val, the one who sold the soul of Charlie Hebdo

Philippe Val, the one who sold the soul of Charlie Hebdo
Philippe Val, the one who sold the soul of Charlie Hebdo

It’s the story of a wild duck that ended up being domesticated, promoted “world symbol of freedom of expression against obscurantism” by the very people he was mocking yesterday. The review is by Daniel Schneidermann, in a book to be published by Editions du Seuil, Charlism told to those who once loved Charlie. Since 2015, after the attack which left the editorial staff bloodless, the newspaper has changed. But, if you look closely, the drift was already significant, from 1992 and the rebirth of the weekly.

Irreverent journal heir to Hara-Kiri, Charlie Hebdo “dies” in 1981. Temporarily. Because singer Philippe Val is eyeing the title. In 1991, he took charge of the editorial team of Big Berthasatirical weekly and “messy” in which Cabu and Charb worked. HAS “a burst of laughter per page” follows a precept dear to Val: “We need indignation”the editorial staff will report after his departure. The outlines of his future project were already emerging, revealed in the summer of 1992 when Charlie Hebdo reappears: “We’re not laughing anymore. »

A change of times



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