Presented at the Festival des 3 Continents in Nantes, the film by Hadi Mohaghegh, The smell of the wind, tells the story of an electrician dispatched to repair a broken transformer near an isolated house where a disabled man and his bedridden son live.
Caring for others
A part is missing, the technician goes looking for it. By patiently filming everything that can be paid for, the filmmaker succeeds, by contrast, in gently, without fanfare, almost in secret, magnifying what is priceless: an outstretched hand, a service that does not expect payment. , the time it takes to take care of others, even strangers.
“There is no gesture of gratitude in The smell of the wind, because the film would like to teach us again that there is no need to wait to give,” according to extracts from the commentary on the festival website.
At the start of the year, the human rights collective, and more particularly Cimade, wanted to share this film which shows a country, Iran, in a completely different image than that given by the mullahs and their repressive laws. It is also a different side of Iran than that of a film proposed a few weeks ago: 7 winters in Iran.
Two representatives of Cimade de Sélestat will present this film and will lead with the spectators present a reflection on altruism today at the end of the screening.
Tuesday January 7 at the Sélect cinema in Sélestat at 8:30 p.m., screening of the film The smell of the wind. Drama by Hadi Mohaghegh, 1h30. An exchange with the public will follow. Price: €8.50.