8 tips for healthy and affordable shopping

8 tips for healthy and affordable shopping

After two years of high inflation (+23.4% between August 2021 and August 2023*), food prices have finally stopped soaring. But they remain expensive for most consumers because wages have not followed the same surge. So, is it still possible to eat healthily and balanced in these conditions? The answer is yes, because in each food category (fruits and vegetables, starches, dairy products, meat-eggs-fish, fats) there are products that are nutritionally interesting and financially accessible. Getting your hands dirty remains an essential prerequisite for eating well, because ultra-processed products (cordon bleus, nuggets, breaded fish, ready meals, sandwich bread, puffed cereals, vegetable steaks, dessert creams, etc.) may have attractive prices, but they contain few healthy ingredients. A study by the association Consommation Logement Cadre de vie (CLCV) has shown that some breaded fish only contain 35% fish! It is therefore better to buy a fillet, even if it means breading it yourself with leftover stale breadcrumbs…

* NielsenIQ basket/60 million consumers, August 2023

1. Plan your menus in advance: to eat a balanced diet, it is advisable to establish the menus for the week. This allows you to vary the sources of protein (egg, lentils, chicken, ham, canned sardines, etc.), starches (wholemeal pasta, brown rice, potatoes, quinoa, etc.) and of course vegetables depending on (…)

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