What we know about the spin-off series announced by Riad Sattouf

What we know about the spin-off series announced by Riad Sattouf

Surprise! Cartoonist Riad Sattouf announced on Sunday the launch of a new series of comics derived from his successful saga The Arab of the Future. He will tell the story of his brother.

This series will be titled Me, Fadi, the stolen brotherexplained Riad Sattouf on Instagram. The first volume, to be released on October 8, will cover the period from 1986 to 1994.

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Fadi is Riad’s younger brother, who appears in the autobiographical saga The Arab of the Future. At the end of the fourth of the six volumes, Riad reveals that the father, now deceased, leaves his French wife without warning and leaves permanently for his country, Syria, taking his third son with him. The two brothers meet again in the sixth and final volume of The Arab of the Futurewith a Fadi who has forgotten his mother’s language and left behind his memories of France.

In preparation “for more than 10 years”

“This comic strip that I have been preparing for more than 10 years, written and drawn based on interviews conducted with my brother in 2011 and 2012, finally gives Fadi a voice,” explained the Franco-Syrian cartoonist. “He talks about his incredible childhood with my father and sheds a completely different light,” he added.

The Arab of the Future is one of the greatest comic book successes of the 21st century, with 3.5 million copies sold worldwide and translations into 23 languages. Although this series was published in its entirety by Allary, Me, Fadi will be by the publishing house founded by Riad Sattouf, Les Livres du futur.


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