Published on December 18, 2024 at 5:38 p.m. / Modified on December 18, 2024 at 5:39 p.m.
2 mins. reading
On the one hand there is Marzella, a duo of French-speaking singers whose name is made up of the contraction of the pair’s two first names, Marzia and Ella. On the other there is Alice Guy (1873-1968), a filmmaker as distinguished as she is forgotten. Between them, a graphic designer, Margot Reymond, an editor, Noémie Guignard, and a Vaud association, Les Culturateurs. In the midst of the digital and streaming era, the latter aims to (re)discover the pleasures of screening films in atypical places.
Alice Guy, the guest of honor of this show, is a textbook case. A pioneer, to whom we attribute one of the first works of fiction in cinema, barely a minute long (The Cabbage Fairy1896), but whose name has been completely eclipsed by those of Louis Lumière and George Méliès. Now rehabilitated – there is even an Alice Guy Prize – this woman with an exceptional career went to live in the United States where she made several hundred films (many are lost today), including the very first peplum (The Life of Christ1906) and the short film The Results of Feminism (1906), in which men and women exchange roles… Also an entrepreneur, she also launched her own production company, Solax Film Co.
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