The appointment is set for the Grand Accordion Gala at the Salle du Laminoir in Decazeville. This 14th edition will take place on Friday January 17, from 9 p.m.
Like every year, a quality line-up is on the program, which will delight accordion and dance lovers. The local Didier Malvezin, and his orchestra, will accompany well-known accordionists: the Corrézian Mathieu Martinie, Bénédicte Grimal, “the girl with the golden fingers”, the Aveyron natives Maxime and Vincent.
The gala will also welcome Pierre André, accordionist
Charentais well known to accordion fans and its singer Virginie.
Father Marcel, from Allier, will make the participants dance to the sound of his diatonic accordion. The talented cabrettaire Didier Pauvert will join the artists to perform éclairs, piqué polkas, rompers, etc.
Gala regulars will of course find Christophe Martel, host of the show “Millésime Musette” on Totem, who will present the gala as every year, from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m.
A beautiful evening in perspective, at the start of 2025, where the good atmosphere is still there, both on stage and on the track.
Help with educational projects for Decazeville middle school students
The socio-educational center of the Paul-Ramadier college in Decazeville, organizer of the evening, took care to contact the town hall so that the heating problem that occurred last year does not recur this year.
The profits from this event are entirely intended for middle school students, in order to finance various educational projects and reduce the cost of family participation.
Reservation of places at 06 31 50 37 47 or 06 81 71 53 40.
Entrance is €15, with a free slice of pastry.