The creation of a theatre campus on the ancient site of Aleria

The creation of a theatre campus on the ancient site of Aleria
The creation of a theatre campus on the ancient site of Aleria

Of July 5th to 12thAleria will become the nerve center of live theater with the first edition of the Theater Campus. This initiative, imagined by Orlando Foriosoartistic director of the company TeatrEuropaaims to transcend artistic boundaries by offering a unique meeting and training platform. “The idea is to create a space where all forms of theatrical creation can converge and interact. We no longer want summer festivals that resemble winter ones, but rather a place of sharing and continuous transformation,” explain Orlando Forioso.

The Theater Campus, organized in collaboration with the Corsican Community, is part of the Festiv’Aleria Antica.

Aimed at young people from Europe, whether they are drama school students, young professionals or artists wishing to enrich their training, this campus promises total immersion in the world of live performance.

The transmission of knowledge

Orlando Forioso emphasizes the importance of this initiative: “It is crucial to make our heritage accessible and alive, especially for the younger generations. The archaeological site of Aleria, with its historical richness, is the ideal setting for such an adventure.”

The Theatre Campus program combines in-depth training on the ancient Greco-Etruscan-Roman world with a contemporary approach.

Participants will follow a variety of workshops: polyphonic singing, vocal practice, use of masks, stage music, scenography, costumes, video, dance and more. Each workshop will be led by artists experienced in ancient theater, ensuring an authentic transmission of knowledge.

Orlando Forioso souligne : “We want young artists to be able to experiment concretely. They will work on productions with professionals, in a framework that allows both creation and learning.”

This practical immersion also includes conferences, lessons, meetings, discussions, visits and free shows, offering total accessibility to the cultural and educational riches of the Campus.

The theme of this first edition“exoduses, migrations and exiles”resonates particularly in the current context. The reference text will be the Greek tragedy of Aeschylus, The Suppliantss. “This ancient text resonates powerfully with contemporary issues of migration and identity. We want participants to explore these themes through their art.”adds Orlando Forioso.

To coordinate this edition, the Teatr’Europa company called upon the young director and dancer Viola Centi, already known for her participation in previous editions of the festival.

Towards a capital of live theatre?

The Aleria Theatre Campus is thus an unmissable event for theatre lovers and professionals. It is a space where ancient heritage and contemporary creation meet, offering a week of sharing, learning and intense creation.

For Orlando Forioso, this project is much more than an event: “It is an invitation to rethink the way we conceive and experience theatre, with an emphasis on interaction and sharing.”

With this campus, is Aleria preparing to become a new capital of live theatre in Europe?



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