Here it all begins: what awaits you in episodes 959 and 960 on Wednesday, July 3, 2024 [SPOILERS] – News Series on TV

Here it all begins: what awaits you in episodes 959 and 960 on Wednesday, July 3, 2024 [SPOILERS] – News Series on TV
Here it all begins: what awaits you in episodes 959 and 960 on Wednesday, July 3, 2024 [SPOILERS] – News Series on TV

In the next episode of “Here it all begins”… Carla protects her mother to the detriment of others. At the institute, Lionel must share his status as a child prodigy. Things are heating up at the pop-up restaurant!

Warning, the following paragraphs contain spoilers for the episodes of Ici tout commence broadcast tomorrow night on TF1! If you prefer not to know anything, move on.

Wednesday July 3 in Here it all begins…

Is Rose in danger at the villa?

After getting closer and sharing a kiss, Rose and Paul confess to each other how much they enjoyed the moment. Carla arrives to tell her mother about her discovery, revealing that Paul has a gun collection. Faced with Rose’s surprise, Paul admits that it is a rather unusual passion, but that there is nothing dangerous about it.

To prove it, he takes Rose to his office to show her the collection of weapons he inherited from his grandfather. Seeing that Rose is not very reassured, Paul claims that all the weapons are neutralized. He adds that he also has pistols stored safely in a safe for his sport shooting practice. Following his explanations, Rose shows understanding. Paul then holds Carla in his office to encourage her to question him directly instead of breaking into a locked room as he has proof thanks to his surveillance camera.

Carla joins Berenice to confide in her concerns about her mother, as well as Paul’s attempt to intimidate her. Berenice assumes that her girlfriend is overly protective of the people she loves and encourages her to give Paul the benefit of the doubt. Carla agrees with her, determined to make an effort.

While all the teens go to the beach, Rose stays with Constance. She regrets having forced Carla to spend her vacation at Paul’s without telling him that she liked him when they were supposed to enjoy the summer to spend time as a mother and daughter. Constance emphasizes, however, that Rose is not obliged to tell her daughter everything.

Back at the villa, Souleymane passes by the kitchen where Cléo is preparing an apricot tart. He takes the opportunity to compliment her on her culinary skills. The conversation drifts into flirting. They are about to kiss when Carla also arrives in the kitchen and interrupts them. Once Souleymane has left, Carla offers Cléo to be her second for the rest of the day. Indeed, she plans to organize a buffet so that everyone can have a good time.

Carla takes the opportunity to apologize for inviting her friends behind her mother’s back, hoping to make up for it. She also welcomes Rose and Paul, who arrive hand in hand, so that they join the rest of the group. Thus, everyone dances and has fun.

A little later, Rose joins Carla in the kitchen to thank her for her efforts. She apologizes for forcing her hand for the holidays, while Carla apologizes for being difficult with Paul. Suddenly, a scream of terror comes from outside. Everyone rushes around Jasmine, who was swimming in the pool, until the water turns a blood red color…

The next day, the villa guests are still in shock. Paul assures them that the pool will be cleaned and that they will be able to continue enjoying it in a few moments. He explains that red dye was put in the filtration pump. He suspects his neighbor of having done it because they have had some disputes since Paul bought the villa.

While Carla and Bérénice go out for a walk in town, Rose stays at the villa with Constance. She confides in her that she has a bad feeling: in her latest novel, she wrote a chapter where the heroine finds herself in front of a swimming pool full of blood. Constance thinks that it is a simple coincidence.

A little later, Rose runs into Paul and insists on accompanying him to see his neighbor. The latter turns out to be rather rude. Rose therefore sees for herself the tensions that exist between Paul and his neighbor.

Meanwhile, Penelope encourages Souleymane to try his luck with Cleo. The young man then suggests that they go for a walk with them. Cleo declines because she has too much work, but she suggests that Souleymane go for a walk just the two of them another day. Suddenly, the young girl’s attitude changes completely when her parents arrive, reminding her that they need her to clean the rooms. Cleo stiffens and stops flirting, which does not escape Souleymane.

Later, Berenice returns to the villa where she finds Jasmine and Jim. They intend to go swimming in the pool. Just before joining them, Berenice lingers near the living room bookcase. On one of the shelves, she discovers all of Rose’s books…

She then joins her half-sister on the terrace and asks her about Paul and Rose’s first meeting at the Double A. Indeed, Constance witnessed it: she says that Paul made the first move after spending some time devouring Rose with his eyes. Bérénice suggests that he was perhaps a fan of her novels. Constance declares that he didn’t even know she was an author.

Alerted by this detail, Bérénice quickly finds Carla to share her discoveries with her. She gives her her mother’s latest novel, which was in Paul’s library. Inside, a dedication proves that they had already met before the Double A. Bérénice also noticed the passage about the pool full of blood in chapter 7. She therefore thinks that her girlfriend was right to be wary of Paul and that Rose is probably in danger…

Lionel is uncompromising with his sister

At the amphitheater, Lionel and Solal lead the summer camp and ask the participants to cook a salmon tartare. They then judge each pair’s plates. While Solal always finds something positive, Lionel is much more demanding and harsh, especially when it comes to his sister. He asks the participants to start all over again from scratch.

For her second attempt, Zoe pays more attention to the cutting of the salmon and finds a better combination for the sauce that accompanies it. While Solal highlights her good work, nothing is good enough in Lionel’s eyes, who decides to move on to the next step, which is to make a dessert.

Solal takes him aside to encourage him to encourage his little sister more. But Lionel retorts that he doesn’t want to be accused of favoritism or for Zoé to end up getting a big head. Solal nevertheless thinks that he should tell her a few compliments.

While making the dessert, Thelma is now paired with Gary and they get along very well. Lionel points this out to Solal, confiding in him that Gary has always had a lot of success with girls. Jealous, Solal can’t help but reframe the pair so that they can focus on their work.

At the end of the day, Lionel spends time with his sister and confesses that she has good intuitions in the kitchen. Reassured, Zoé confides in him that she has been thinking about taking the Institute’s competition for a long time. Lionel assumes that she simply wants to imitate Gary in the hope that he will finally take an interest in her. Hurt, Zoé leaves.

The next day, Lionel finds his sister to apologize for his hurtful remarks. Having lost confidence in him at the beginning of his schooling at the Institute, Lionel wants to prevent him from being mistreated by the misogynistic environment of the kitchen. But Zoé declares that she is ready to do anything to achieve this. However, she still has to wait for the results of the baccalaureate which will be released during the day. Lionel is confident.

Later, Lionel meets Solal for the summer internship. He reveals his plan to make Zoé realize the difficulties of being a chef: separate the pairs. Thus, Zoé will cook with Mattéo, while Gary will cook with Thelma.

While they are cooking, Gary and Zoé get their results from the baccalaureate. They both isolate themselves to look at them together. If Gary passes with a Good, Zoé discovers that she failed. But when her brother asks her for her results, she claims to have passed with a Very Good.

At the end of the day, Lionel and Solal suggest having a drink in the park to celebrate Gary and Zoé’s baccalaureate. So they go and get something to drink. For his part, Gary doesn’t understand why his best friend chose to lie. The young girl explains that she fears her brother’s reaction if he learned the truth: not only can she not take the resits, but she has no intention of repeating her final year. At that moment, she doesn’t know that Solal has intercepted her words.

Enzo and Vic are at odds

In the park, Vic finds Billie and Tom who congratulate her on her position as chef of the ephemeral restaurant. The young girl offers her friend to be her second, but the latter leaves on vacation. Vic then proposes to Tom, who gladly accepts.

Afterwards, Vic meets up with Enzo and Joachim to talk to them about her ideas for the visual identity of the pop-up restaurant. She wants to take the codes of the traditional guinguette and transform them to create a more trendy place. But Enzo doesn’t find any of her ideas modern enough. Seeing that they don’t agree, Joachim prefers to give them time to think about it.

Later, Leroy asks Joachim how his meeting with Vic and Enzo went. The technical director tells him about the tensions that have arisen within the couple regarding the visual identity of the pop-up restaurant. Leroy hopes that Enzo will be able to show maturity to resolve this problem because his position as a supervisor is only a test to offer him or not a position within the Master later!

Are Malik and Maya making a mistake?

In the kitchen, Hortense and Mehdi announce to Malik, Maya and Léonard that their brigade will have to take care of a meal for a gender reveal of two sisters who became pregnant at the same time.

While Hortense and Leonard take care of the starters and main courses, Mehdi goes to the studio with Malik and Maya to take care of the cakes. One must contain a pink insert, the other must contain a blue insert, depending on the sexes of the babies.

Mehdi gives Malik and Maya instructions to make two fairly complex cakes. He gives them the afternoon to make them since the gender reveal takes place the next day.

At the end of the day, Malik and Maya manage to make the cakes by following their technical sheet perfectly. They are proud of themselves. All that remains is to put the cakes in their respective boxes: boy or girl. At the last moment, Malik has a doubt and no longer knows which cake to put in which box. He is about to start all over again from the beginning, but Maya declares herself to be sure and tells him which cake to put in which box.



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