One of the best patisseries in the world is 35 minutes from Brussels

One of the best patisseries in the world is 35 minutes from Brussels
One of the best patisseries in the world is 35 minutes from Brussels

French pastries are among the most famous in the world. The proof is in this new ranking drawn up by the prestigious culinary guide La Liste. The first place is won by the Ritz pastry shop in Paris called Ritz Paris Le Comptoir. But even closer to Belgium, we find an address well known to the people of Lille. Its name? L’Ogre de Carrouselberg. The establishment received the prize for the pastry shop to discover this year.

Discover Timber, the new playground for international chefs, in video:

A pastry taken from the pictures of a children’s book

Behind L’Ogre de Carrouselberg, we find Stéphanie Touzet and Matthieu Buchalski. The duo was not predestined to work in pastry: he was a graphic designer, she was studying literature before starting their reconversions. Settled in Lille after having lived in Paris, they decided “to open a pastry shop that looks like it came out of a children’s book” can be read on the website of the Ogre de Carrouselberg.

But who is the Ogre of Carrouselberg? He is a character from an old regional tale. The story of a glutton who devours children, who discovers on a starry night a fantastic garden where nature offers its most beautiful fruits. Amazed by these treasures, the Ogre decides to abandon fresh meat for the sweet flavors of the northern lands.

Pastries that respect the seasons

Located in Old Lille, the address offers pastries that change over the months to respect the rhythm of the seasons. You can currently find the Palet des Dames composed of a traditional soft biscuit from the North, garnished with a thin layer of apricot compote, lightly flavored with rum and covered with royal icing.

If you like strawberries, try the Fraisier de Phalempin with its local strawberry compote, its vanilla cream subtly flavored with orange blossom, its strawberry jelly, its sponge biscuit and its pistachio pieces. More classic desserts are also on the menu, such as a chocolate éclair or a rhubarb tart whose sweet pastry is topped with an oat crisp. On the Viennese pastry side, the Ogre de Carrouselberg offers a butter croissant and a chocolate roll.

But the establishment’s flagship pastry is the P’tit Pouchin, a small chou filled with a light Madagascar vanilla cream and flavored with orange blossom. The sweet treat is reworked several times a year and is enhanced with flavors such as raspberry, pistachio, caramel, lemon…

In an Instagram post, Stéphanie Touzet and Matthieu Buchalski welcomed this award from La Liste: “We are very honored to be part of this 2024 list alongside pastry chefs whose poetry and relevance of work we have long admired (…). This prize rewards the work of an entire team who work passionately with us every day to tantalize your taste buds!“. All you have to do is take the train or the car to discover these delicate delicacies.

The address? 17 rue des Vieux Murs, 59800 Lille

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