“Leading this fight”, this former candidate will start a family with his partner thanks to medically assisted procreation

A former Married at First Sight candidate who viewers most likely remember has just announced that he was preparing to become a father for the first time with his wife. The couple explains their obstacle course and their recourse to PMA.

M6 has just closed season 8 of its program Married at first sight. The show that has become cult over the years has once again been full of twists and turns. Especially since, for the first time, a candidate has simply refused to marry his suitor in Gibraltar, in front of his loved ones. While Ludivine has just given her frank opinion on her affair, Loïc wanted to take stock with his community on Instagram about his romantic situation since he divorced Ophélie. And what is happening to Alice and Florian? Or even Laurie and Jean-Nicolas? On the other hand, there is no doubt about the consequences of the meeting between Jérémy and Marie, their romance having ended in pain.

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As is the case with former participants of Love is in the meadowlike Mathieu Ceschin who has just announced the birth of his first child by GPA, the candidates of Married at first sight continue for some to unite on social networks and interest viewers who have learned to know them and want to continue to follow them. This is the case of Floriandiscovered in the saison 2 in 2017, which has just announced big news to its 60,000 followers.

Florian’s obstacle course

The one who agreed to take Charlene as his wife in Married at first sight – 76% compatible according to experts – published a long message accompanied by a video on Instagram on Sunday June 30, the day of the first round of the legislative elections. He wanted to announce that he was going to become dad with his partner named Méghaneand with whom he married in 2022. But everything did not go as planned, and the couple encountered difficulties, the details of which he explains. “These last months and years now, almost 2, have not been easy. We dreamed of being able to give life to a little being who would be the fruit of our love. Unfortunately, life sometimes puts some difficulties in its path, and trying to overcome them is an integral part of the game”he said from the outset.

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At the same time, he confirmed that with Méghane he had finally decided to seek medical help. “After a few months ofa PMA course who will have united us forever, we are so happy to be able to announce to you that we will finally be able to live the most beautiful role of our lives: that of being Dad and Mom to this little Baby who already fills us with happiness”he confided to illustrate the images of the treatment taken by his partner in this perspective, and their strong bonds which allow them to get through this ordeal. “To you who may have had to fight this fight or who are preparing to experience it, our hearts go out to you”he concluded, fully aware that they were not the only ones to choose the PMA.

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PMA concerns nearly 3% of births in France

The data collected and communicated by the Ministry of Health demonstrate that Medically Assisted Reproduction is gaining ground in France from year to year. On average, 200,000 attempts are made annually, to the advantage of FIV which remains the most commonly used technique. In the various government reports, it is stipulated that the success rate per cycle is of the order of 25% and that 30% of them are due to themale infertility. Births by medically assisted procreation therefore represent approximately 2.7% of annual births in the country.

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All that remains is to keep our fingers crossed that Méghane and Florian see their project come to fruition. We have no doubt that they will keep us informed…


If writing is a pleasure, being read is even more so. Passionate about pop culture, Jonathan sets the pace in the right tone to always keep you well informed. Attracted by …



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