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Bernay: director Héloïse Haddad organizes an evening around the short film

Bernay: director Héloïse Haddad organizes an evening around the short film
Bernay: director Héloïse Haddad organizes an evening around the short film


Lina Tran

Published on

July 1, 2024 at 2:00 p.m.

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Who would be able to name the last short film Palme d’Or? For the uninitiated, it will be difficult to quote the film The Man Who Could Not Remain Silent by Nebojša Slijepčević on the 1993 Štrpci massacre where 19 civilians were killed on a train by a Serbian paramilitary group.

Unlike its brother the feature film, the short film is a genre little known to the general public. However, it represents a sort of entry point into the world of cinema and another means of creation.

It is also to restore the nobility of this genre thatHeloise Haddadherself a director of short films, organizes an evening screening of several short films on Saturday July 6, 2024 at 7:30 p.m. at the BoBo third-place in Bernay (Eure), with the help of the youth and culture center.

Having lived in La Trinité-de-Réville for three years, the director divides her time between Paris and Eure and would like to continue to develop this type of event in the Bernay region.

“If it works well, I would like to do these evenings again with a different theme every time,” explains Héloïse, even though this event was organized in a month.

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Films ranging from 2 to 25 minutes

With Stéphanie and Tom (the owners of the third place), Héloïse made a selection of 7 films respecting a theme: ldreamlike. “I saw them all at festivals. I find that they each have their own touch and their own universe, while being quite poetic,” describes the woman who is also a casting director and videographer for television.

The films range from 2 to 25 minutesshowing the diversity of this genre. Unlike a feature film, “the short film really allows you to experiment. It allows you to show our universe, it’s a kind of business card. Unlike a long film where you don’t have the right to make mistakes,” describes Héloïse.

The screening, which should last 1 h 40will end with a drink to chat with Eure-based François-Régis Jeanne, Keren Marciano and of course Héloïse Haddad, whose films will be screened during the evening.


The Wolf of Tancarville, by François-Régis Jeanne (24 minutes, 2024);
Feeding the Swans, by Christophe Ideal (2min32, 2022);
The Night of the Monkey, by Héloïse Haddad (25 minutes, 2022);
Dafanifi, by Jonathan Figoli (3min42, 2024);
Fairplay, de Zoel Aeschbacher (17min30, 2022) ;
Distinctive feelings, by Keren Marciano (12 min, 2019);
Death Disorder, by David Da Costa (19 minutes, 2023).

The evening will take place on Saturday July 6 at 7:30 p.m. Free entry. BoBo: 20 Rue des Canadiens, 27 300 Bernay. More information on the Facebook or Instagram account.

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