Harry and Meghan: what if their departure from the United Kingdom had nothing to do with the royal family?

Harry and Meghan: what if their departure from the United Kingdom had nothing to do with the royal family?
Harry and Meghan: what if their departure from the United Kingdom had nothing to do with the royal family?

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle made the decision, in 2020, not only to leave their official duties within the royal family but also to go settle in the United States. A decision which definitively created a divide within the royal family and which remains a source of controversy even four years later. However, if, for many, the increasingly complicated relationships between the couple and the rest of the royal family are at the origin of this departure, it is another reason which is mentioned by Prince Harry in his memoirs.

In Spareor The Substitute in French version, the Duke of Sussex addresses many subjects and in particular his move to the United States. It was after the death of his grandfather, Prince Philipp, that Prince Harry returned to his native country, and it was this return that pushed him to write about this event which gave a new trajectory to his life. “When my wife and I fled this place, because we feared for our mental health and safetyI didn’t know when I was going to come back.” he explained.

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Prince Harry left to protect himself and his family

It was therefore above all for protect yourself, both mentally and physically, that Prince Harry decided to follow his wife to the United States. Note that the British tabloids, which we know are virulent, quickly targeted Meghan Markle. The young woman was scrutinized and criticized for the slightest movement to the point of remind Prince Harry what happened to his mother, Princess Dianadied in a car accident while being chased by paparazzi.

This very specific reason for the departure of Harry and Meghan – and therefore of their separation from the rest of the royal family – had already been exposed in 2021 during an interview with James Corden. “It was a very difficult environment, as many people saw. We all know what the British press is capable of. And it was ruining my sanity, it was toxic
Prince Harry then explained.

Prince Harry blames the tabloids for Meghan Markle’s miscarriage

The latter had already blamed tabloids and media harassment constant from his wife for her miscarriage in 2020. It is therefore to preserve their safety as well as that of their future children that Prince Harry decided to change continent. A decision which, to be understood, required certain faiths about life within the British royal family so the public knows what really goes on behind the scenes at Buckingham Palace. Confessions which have finished widening the already existing gap between Harry and Meghan and the rest of the Firm…



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