Lyon. The restaurant Les Raffineuses returns after two years of absence: “We can’t wait”

Lyon. The restaurant Les Raffineuses returns after two years of absence: “We can’t wait”
Lyon. The restaurant Les Raffineuses returns after two years of absence: “We can’t wait”


Théo Zuili

Published on

June 23, 2024 at 5:28 a.m.

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” Finally good news in this world”: after the announcement of their return on social networks, many Internet users share their eagerness to “find a safe bet” in the 7th arrondissement of Lyon.

After two years of absence, Virginie and Florence are back and are busy working on the future premises which will host version 2.0 of their bistronomic restaurant The Refiners. The opening is scheduled for September 2024.

A return to basics

Opened in 2015 at 41 Rue du Professor Grignard (Lyon 7ᵉ), the restaurant Les Raffineuses closed in 2022. The partners had planned to create a gîte in Beaujolais, but the business turned out to be “too risky with the economic situation current”.

Virginie and Florence therefore sought to return to the district where they were born, between the Rhône and Jean-Macé. “It took us a long time to find a place that we liked, but we found the nugget. It’s a better location, with better cuisine… we’re clearly moving upmarket,” they rejoice.

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In the new version of this restaurant, the chefs will swear by local and artisanal products made in the region or in France. “Everything is homemade!” »

“Customers are waiting for us”

“And people are already stopping by,” Virginie blushes. “That we have not been forgotten after our absence, it is heartwarming. We are extremely happy, it’s the greatest reward. »

We cook honest, no-fuss cuisine. We come out of the kitchen all the time, we talk to customers, we know their first names… It’s a difficult job, but it’s what we love doing. We really missed it, we can’t wait.

Virginia and Florence
The Raffs

But it’s also a bit of pressure. “Our reputation is for twisting classic recipes with a little ‘kick’. And then customers are waiting for us with our signature recipes: beef satay skewersarancini… “

With 36 seats indoors, the Raffineuses will opt for “a cozy atmosphere and lots of plants. Outdoors, if the town hall is willing, there will be 16 seats all year round,” explains Virginie.

“We can’t wait to get into the kitchen!” »

The lunch menus will change every week “according to the seasons” with a starter-main course-dessert formula 25€. “We like flavor combinations, and we express ourselves more in the evening with all kinds of tapas (from hummus to a large piece of meat), good wine, and different cocktails every day. »

Les Raffineuses 2.0 changed its name to move to 43 rue Chevreul, 200 meters from their former restaurant. “We toured the planet with crazy ideas, but we came back to ‘The Raffs’. It’s in spite of ourselves, that’s what customers call us,” laughs Florence.

They intend to leave for at least seven years, and with a new recruit: “It’s Tinos (in the center of the photo), she is two years old, she follows us everywhere, she will be the third Refiner! »

The opening is scheduled for September 2024, with various inauguration evenings at the end of the month. Les Raffs will be closed on weekends and open Monday to Friday lunchtime, two to three evenings per week. “We expect there to be a lot of people at the opening so we are already taking reservations at 07 64 37 47 01,” says Virginie.

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