Here is the best accounting test for young couples

Here is the best accounting test for young couples
Here is the best accounting test for young couples

Many French people are organizing their vacations, especially young couples.

For these budding idylls, the first vacation is a real crash test.

In Hello! La Matinale TF1, Benjamin Muller collected testimonies from the first vacation as a couple.

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The summer holidays are just around the corner and for couples, even young couples who have just formed, it’s a baptism of fire, especially if it’s their first vacation. Hit or miss. Literally. Benjamin Muller tells us about the “crash test” vacations of emerging couples in Hello! La Matinale TF1.

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Sometimes it breaks…

For Mathieu, 37, things went very badly. “We left for two weeks for our first vacation in Barcelona“, he testifies. “The dream, the ideal, the idyll. And nothing went as planned. We didn’t agree on choices, we didn’t agree on things to do and we endured our trip. It sounded the death knell for our budding couple“. Valérie, 35, also had the right to her “cat holiday“.”It was about 14 years ago. I went to the Toulouse region. We were hosted by someone from his family. The situation got a little worse and the next day he told me ‘I don’t love you anymore’, you have to go home‘”. She continues “I traveled 500 km to return and I admit that I didn’t like Toulouse for a while“.

Sleeping in and relaxing vs. visits and hikes

For psychologists, the first vacation for a young couple is a kind of “compatibility test.” During this short period, the household is confronted with all the subjects: comfort, rhythm, money, sexuality and going out. Most of the discussions on vacation consist of making a choice that corresponds to our tastes, but also to those of the new lover. As a result, we very quickly come into contact with different desires and lifestyles. We then realize very quickly that lying in/lazing around and hiking/museums are not compatible.

On vacation, do we show everything?

According to a study carried out by Korn Ferry, without going as far as breaking up, one in two couples have already argued on vacation because of work. For an already well-established couple, this is indeed a source of tension, but for a young couple, it is worse. Also, it is better to disconnect from work, if it is your first romantic vacation.

It is also during this period that we discover others on a daily basis, with their qualities, but also their faults. However, according to an Ifop survey carried out in 2023, women still do much more than men on vacation and they end this period less rested. For young couples, the first vacation is therefore an opportunity to find out whether the other person participates in the life of the home and knows how to live together or not. More than a challenge, it is a real test of truth.

Sabine BOUCHOUL | Column: Benjamin MULLER



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