discover the new cast of season 3 on W9

discover the new cast of season 3 on W9
discover the new cast of season 3 on W9

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The Fifty is making a comeback very soon on W9. Filming for this new season began this Sunday, June 16, and the candidates are currently getting their bearings at the castle. The reality TV which has been a hit on the channel since its first broadcast in 2022 retains the same concept: fifty personalities will compete in sporting or logical events. Under the keen gaze of the Lion, the master of the place, the players will have to win events or risk finding themselves on the bench of the eliminated. So, who will be the Chosen One among the next casting? Who will succeed Julien Bert (season 1) and Amélie Neten (season 2)?

The return of Kevin Guedj in a reality TV

The Lion will welcome new participants to the castle this year. This Monday, June 17, the casting was finally revealed after weeks of suspense. Among the candidates in the running, viewers will discover new characters like Lou Pernaut, the daughter of the late Jean-Pierre Pernaut, and Carla Ghebali, the daughter of Daniela Lumbroso. Alongside them, fans of the show will also find Kevin Guedj and Kim Glow. A first preview which already promises an explosive season!

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The Fifty: Jean-Pascal Lacoste joins the adventure to everyone’s surprise

Simon Castaldi will tread the steps of the castle for the third time to face his comrades and win the events. The son of host Benjamin Castaldi will have to face a potentially tumultuous reunion with his ex, Cassandra Jullia. This new season of Fifty promises to be thrilling, with cult sequences to come. Because Cassandra will also have to deal with Jean-Pascal Lacoste and Patrice Maktav (star Academy), Emma Keitmann, Sacha Delouis, Nikola Lozina, Alex Giudi, Hillary from Ch’tis, Yael from The Power, Beverly, Jade Leboeuf and Stephane Rodrigues, Giovanni, Fred from Anges, Nicolo, Clarysse, Maeva Martinez, Thibault from Mauvais Joueurs on Netflix, Carla from Temptation Island, Maissane, Nicolas Couteau, Jonathan from Destination X, Julie Bertin, Julie Ricci, Eddy Flow, Soraya Belhadi were also announced.

Article written with the collaboration of 6Medias

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