Raphaël gives the secret of longevity of his relationship with Mélanie Thierry

Raphaël gives the secret of longevity of his relationship with Mélanie Thierry
Raphaël gives the secret of longevity of his relationship with Mélanie Thierry

By Laura Terrazas

2 hours ago,

Update 2 hours ago

Raphaël Haroche in “A Sunday in the Country”
Screenshot France 2

The singer and writer spoke to Frédéric Lopez in “A Sunday in the Country” about his childhood, his career and his love life.

Raphaël Haroche, known as Raphaël, is a modest artist. And yet, he willingly lent himself to the confession exercise in “A Sunday in the Country” this June 16 on France 2.

Surrounded by psychiatrist Christophe André and comedian Élodie Poux, the singer talks about his childhood, in the show’s famous barn, his career and his relationship with actress Mélanie Thierry. Born to a Moroccan father, from a family that fled Ukraine and a Jewish mother born in exile in Argentina, Raphaël experienced a “joyful and bright childhood”. “I feel connected to the child I was”he assures Frédéric Lopez.

In a relationship for 24 years

He became passionate about music at a very young age. He learned to play first the piano and then the guitar. Very quickly he felt the desire to write his own songs. “At the beginning, it was art brut”, recognizes Raphaël with amusement. In 2005, it was the consecration with the album Caravan. However, his record company didn’t believe it. The 2 million copies sold proved them wrong.

In the music video for the first single, he appears with his “fiancee of the time who still is today”. With Mélanie Thierry, they are filmed dancing on the roof of a building. “There was no script, the snow was not planned… I think we fulfilled our contract”believes the singer in the face of these images which marked an entire generation.

With the actress they have been a couple for 24 years. They are parents of three children. “We admire each other a lot. I love his work, his choices. We laugh every day”, says Raphaël, who usually doesn’t talk much about his private life in interviews. The secret of their longevity is “the place of saying” he assures before adding: “It’s the most erotic thing in the world, the most delicious. I never get bored”.

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