“We reject the hypothesis of a misunderstanding”: “Quotidien” accused of racism, the gospel choir breaks the silence and overwhelms the production

“We reject the hypothesis of a misunderstanding”: “Quotidien” accused of racism, the gospel choir breaks the silence and overwhelms the production
“We reject the hypothesis of a misunderstanding”: “Quotidien” accused of racism, the gospel choir breaks the silence and overwhelms the production

It’s a shoot that raises questions. This Thursday, June 6 in the evening, the management of Diamond Gospel published a press release via its Instagram account to return to the accusations of racism against “Quotidien”. Monday evening, Pierre Garnier, winner of the “Star Academy”, sang his new single “Nous on sais” live on the TMC set accompanied by this Parisian gospel group, installed in the public stands. But after the broadcast of the show, several members of the group accused the talk show of racism on social networks, denouncing their reception conditions on the set.

“This group found itself in deplorable conditions”

We take this seriously and apologize to anyone we may have hurt.“, reacted immediately a manager of Bangumi, the production company behind the show presented by Yann Barthès, to puremedias.com. “In no case is this about racism. It’s horrible for us to imagine that people can imagine that about the ‘Quotidien’ teams“, adds our Source, who mentions “a huge misunderstanding” on the constraints of filming.

The Diamond Gospel press release first describes the arrival of the singers in a “hostile environment, facing a particularly aggressive security team“. The following story then echoes the testimonies published by the participants on social networks. The choir was in fact divided into two groups, “one would be present on set for the entire shoot, and the other would only intervene during the performance“, explains the text.

The management then assures that, “without the knowledge of our choir directors and contrary to our agreement“, the production then decided for itself how the groups would be divided. The people chosen to leave the set were then given a bracelet and were taken to a separate room. “This group was exclusively made up of people of Afro-Caribbean ancestry, also found themselves in deplorable conditions with formal prohibition to enter or leave“, the press release continues.”During the entire filming, our members were refused access to their personal belongings, thus finding themselves deprived of any means of communication, catering or hygiene. describes the direction.

READ ALSO: “I am a free man”: Pablo Mira dares to speak out after accusations of racism targeting “Quotidien”

“Diamond Gospel strongly condemns the violence and discrimination to which its members have been subjected”

Even more surprising for the group, “35 Caucasian people” then replaced them in the audience during the broadcast of the show. Questioned by the puremediasproduction ensures that it has “undoubtedly underestimated the management of such an influx of people in the organizational mechanics of a daily show where everything is precise“.”The deal from the start with Sony was to keep some of the gospel group’s singers in the show’s audience, plus the 50 spectators already registered who we had booked in advance and decided to keep“, adds the producer.



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