A weekend of free entertainment around dance and landscapes in the Nantes vineyards

A weekend of free entertainment around dance and landscapes in the Nantes vineyards
A weekend of free entertainment around dance and landscapes in the Nantes vineyards


Coralie Ganivet

Published on

June 5, 2024 at 12:16 p.m.

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After creating a paradise in Remouille last year, the new cultural meeting of the Clisson area, Topo(s)returns for a 2nd edition totally different in Boussay.

Its theme? Dances and landscapes. All appointments offered are free. The festivities will begin this Friday, June 7, 2024 at 7:30 p.m. Four dance shows will continue, at Pré de la Sèvre, until 10:30 p.m.

The next day, Saturday June 8, the evening will come to life from 7 p.m. in front of the Boussay town hall with a music school concert Score for 4, followed by a performance of the famous male team of majorettes from Queen-a-manwho will perform a burlesque tribute to Freddie Mercury at 8:30 p.m. Before entering the world of Group Berthe at 9:30 p.m., which will allow each spectator to imagine themselves as Madonna, Philippe Catherine, David Bowie or even Billie Eilish, to end this weekend in style.

> To see the entire program in detail, click here.

Explore the territory with dance

But before that, in the afternoon this Saturday June 8, there is a very special meeting which awaits 150 participants (free, upon registration): three dance explorationsin the form of an investigation, between La Garenne Lemot in Getigné And Boussay.

“The idea was to let them experience the landscape through three courses made up of dance and extracts from recordings of local residents in particular. They will discover how the landscape was formed and what the relationship between humans and the territory is,” summarizes Capucine Dufour, choreographer and landscaper who had “carte blanche” to imagine this new activity.

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Three courses to choose from

Participants will have the choice between three thematic hikeswhich oscillate between 3 and 6 km : “there is absolutely no need to be sporty,” reassures the artist, “but be careful, they are not accessible by stroller. Everyone must also have waterproof shoes because some passages are still muddy.”

At the time of their registrationinterested people will choose which of the circuits they want to follow (50 places for each of them). The “weaving” courseled by an artist who trained as an anthropologist, “will address the question of sociological markings around weaving and the stories that ruins convey,” explains Capucine Dufour. The “mine” route, it will allow you to cross an old uranium mine in Gétigné while wondering about what this landscape gives off. As to “Lemot” routehe will raise the question of the romantic construction of the landscape, through the creations of François-Frédéric Lemot.

Participants will be accompanied on each of these explorations by an artist from the “Circulations” Company, but also by inhabitants of the territory who are invested in the project, and who will dance along the routes. “We call them accomplice inhabitants,” explains Erell Mathieu, coordinator of the territorial cultural project at the Clisson agglomeration. “We started the process in January,” adds Capucine Dufour. “We met once a month to map the territory, photograph it, recover archival documents…”

Residents involved

Some of these inhabitants come from the Vineyard, others from further afield. And their motivations are as multiple as their profiles. For Soazig Le Villoux, who lives in Orvault, it was “the DNA of the project” that appealed to her, because it gave her “the opportunity to get to know the local landscape better”. Blandine Pinot is from Nantes. And it was “the association between dance and landscapes” that “intrigued” her.

So if you too are intrigued by this approach, there is still time to register!

“Tuning scape” (three dance exploration courses), Saturday June 8, departure at 1:30 p.m. from Boussay. Free upon registration by telephone at 02 40 80 25 50 or by email to: [email protected]. To find out everything about the programming, go to the Quatrain website.

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