A big African evening in Saint-Loube in solidarity with the Gindy company

A big African evening in Saint-Loube in solidarity with the Gindy company
A big African evening in Saint-Loube in solidarity with the Gindy company

On June 8, Françoise Anton and the Collegiate Church are organizing an African evening. To begin, from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m., an African dance course will take place (€15). Then, at 9 p.m., concert with Udjamaa, a name which means “the family”, a group of Senegalese percussionists from Toulouse. The guitarist, Comorian, composes his songs. The group was formed in Toulouse during one of their meetings. This evening is organized for the benefit of Compagnie Gindi, a theater troupe from Senegal based in Kaolack and directed by Abdou Karim Sadji whom Françoise Anton met in 2019 at the Automnales de Valence-sur-Baïse, an amateur theater festival: “L’ exchange with Karim was fruitful since we left in March 2023 with my group of older teenagers to the festival that Karim organizes in his village of Latmingué. We have just participated with the Atelier des Adultes de Mauvezin in the new edition of the festival in May. , with “The Imaginary Sick” by Molière”.

The Atelier Théâtre de Mauvezin helps the Cie Gindi in its project to create a cultural center open to the arts in general and to theater in particular. The Departmental Theater Committee supports him in this project. At the initiative of Françoise Anton, the Collegiate Church of Saint-Loube agreed to organize this evening, the profits of which will be donated to the Gindi Company to help them in their project. “During the fall of 2023, we wanted to welcome this company with their play “Les fousdemocrats”.” L’Atelier Théâtre and CD 32 had organized a tour of 8 performances for them in the Gers: “Unfortunately, they did not have the visa. We therefore organized an African evening for them in Saint-Loube last November and another in Mauvezin the following month.

Open bar, plates of charcuterie and cheese (€12).


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