Central. At the castle, Nicolas Sanhes in weightlessness

Central. At the castle, Nicolas Sanhes in weightlessness
Central. At the castle, Nicolas Sanhes in weightlessness

the essential
The artist exhibits from June 22 to September 22 at the Château de Taurines in Centprès. Nearly seventy works, paintings and sculptures combined, have found their place in this exceptional setting.

Lines that intersect, relief that gives depth and thickness to the canvas. Color that brings out the geometric shapes proposed by Nicolas Sanhes, all in an exceptional setting which is that of the Château de Taurines in Centprès.

All suspended, with its sculptures which seem to defy gravity.

For its 39th edition of the exhibitions at the Château de Taurines, the artist offers to discover a large number of his works through “Artificielle apesanteur”. Fifty-five paintings, ten medium format sculptures. Hanging the paintings and installing Nicolas Sanhes’ work required a certain number of hours of work.

“We have been working for many months in consultation with those responsible for the association to arrange the rooms of the castle”explains Nicolas Sanhes who, for his part, first set up the rooms virtually with photos of the places and on which he “hooked” his paintings, “deposited his sculptures”.

Thus, the works of Nicolas Sanhes communicate through the rooms of the castle, respond to each other and offer visitors a dialogue where light, colors and shapes intertwine.


His pictorial research complements and questions his sculpture, which is often monumental and which has long been seen in front of the Soulages museum in Rodez, which can still be seen in Combarel. Its geometric shapes have also traveled to the four corners of the world and they still occupy the imagination of those who were able to come across them in emblematic places of the department.

As for his paintings, even if they consist only of flat areas, of no volume, the colors offer an astonishing, dimensional relief. “The common point between my two practices is to define a restricted field of work, to find in the sum of constraints, a new field of possibilities. My painting is the two-dimensional translation of my sculpture”explains Nicolas Sanhes.

For Nadine Vernhes, mayor of Centprès, this exhibition reflects the municipality’s desire to bring culture “In a rural area”. “And it will soon be 40 years that this lasts. I am not sure that there are many other places like the Château de Taurines”she adds.

Moreover, always with this idea of ​​spreading culture ever further and deeper, many surrounding schools will be invited to come and discover the work of Nicolas Sanhes, while educational activities have already been carried out with teachers from the establishments concerned.

A way of opening new horizons, other perspectives to young audiences.

Information and reservations at 05 65 69 23 01, [email protected] or at 05 65 67 16 42, from the Pays Ségali tourist office. The exhibition will be open, from June to September, every day from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. (entrance, €5, free for under 15s). Group visits by reservation, during the week and at weekends.



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