An aperitif with Michel Bussi, Romain Puértolas and Gordon Zola in Saint-Pierre-des-Fleurs

An aperitif with Michel Bussi, Romain Puértolas and Gordon Zola in Saint-Pierre-des-Fleurs
An aperitif with Michel Bussi, Romain Puértolas and Gordon Zola in Saint-Pierre-des-Fleurs


Mathilde Carnet

Published on

May 31, 2024 at 7:00 a.m.

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For two years, the town hall of Saint-Pierre-des-Fleurs (Eure) has been keen to organize an annual event For promote authorsand reading more generally.

Friday June 14, 2024, Michel Bussi Will be back ! “He accepted straight away,” rejoices Nathalie Ricard, deputy mayor in charge of cultural affairs. The successful author met his audience in 2022, at the town hall. Last year, another literary meeting was organized, bringing together five authors, including the Belgian writer Barbara Abel.

This year, the town hall decided to innovateby offering a whole new formula : A dinner aperitif in the company of three authors. Michel Bussi, Romain Puértolas and Gordon Zola will be there.

“The results of the last two years were mixed, because we hoped to reach more people, despite the arrival of well-known authors. We said to ourselves that the term “literary meetings” perhaps frightened the public, like speaking in public to ask questions to writers,” explains Nathalie Ricard.

A “friendlier” event

The municipal team has therefore imagined a “more convivial” formula, where the public and the authors will meet around an aperitif dinner. “The public will be able to go speak directly with the authors, we hope you like it more. »

As in previous years, it was municipal councilor Frédéric Gérin, professor, who managed the invitations. The Lovérien Michel Bussi will be able to present his latest novel published at the beginning of the year, My heart has moved. Romain Puértolas, friend of Michel Bussi, will be able to talk about his latest book How I found Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès (2024), where he fills in the gaps in the journey of France’s most wanted fugitive. Gordon Zola, humor specialist, will be able to present his latest books The dinosaur’s false eyelashes (2023) or even Broom, Harry! (2023).

See you Friday, June 14 at 6 p.m. in the association room. Dinner aperitif prepared by the town hall. Hat outing. Registrations by email: [email protected]

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