Alcoholism, harassment, loneliness: Julie filed a complaint against Cauet and has been going through an ordeal for six months

Alcoholism, harassment, loneliness: Julie filed a complaint against Cauet and has been going through an ordeal for six months
Alcoholism, harassment, loneliness: Julie filed a complaint against Cauet and has been going through an ordeal for six months

Friday, NRJ host Sébastien Cauet was indicted for rape and sexual assault on minors as part of a judicial investigation. He was placed under strict judicial supervision. He is suspected of having raped a 16-year-old girl in November 2014 in Geneva, then in December 1997 in Paris another young girl, aged 15. And of having sexually assaulted a third 17-year-old girl in December 2012. He is also accused of the rape of an adult, born in October 1973.

“I am hospitalized”

Among the complainants, Julie Ollivier, originally from Mâcon (Saône-et-Loire). She agreed to testify this Thursday in an interview with France 3 Bourgogne. She said she was relieved by the indictment of the host: “ It shows that the juvenile brigade investigated enough to have facts (…) I said to myself that finally, I was being taken seriously. » She reveals that she suffered enormously after filing a complaint in November 2023: “ To forget all that, I fell into alcohol. I also lost my job – being in the civil service, it wasn’t too good for me to become a media person. Now I am hospitalized for the trauma and alcohol addiction. »

If Julie Ollivier confides that she is “ still on antidepressants “, she claims “ a way to break the taboo, to show that speaking is liberating and that girls who have been victims no longer have to be afraid. Fear must change sides “. She reveals that she was harassed following her complaint: “ I was contacted by a fake lawyer, people came to my house. »

“I want him to recognize it”

What I would like today is to be able to look him in the eyes and tell him all the bad things he did to me. I want him to recognize it “, she concludes, lamenting that “ fifteen years of [sa] life has gone up in smoke (…) In this kind of situation, it’s true that we feel alone “. Sébastien Cauet, for his part, denies the accusations and claims to be the victim of cyberharassment, slanderous denunciation and attempted extortion. He filed a complaint, leading to the opening of two preliminary investigations in Nanterre, for which he was heard at the end of 203. He was removed from the NRJ antenna.



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