Sébastien Cauet affair: thunderclap for the host, justice has made a big decision

Sébastien Cauet affair: thunderclap for the host, justice has made a big decision
Sébastien Cauet affair: thunderclap for the host, justice has made a big decision

The legal storm continues for Sébastien Cauet. Last November, a woman filed a complaint against the host for rape. Removed from the NRJ antenna by management, the presenter has since proclaimed his innocence. However, the courts have just rendered a decision which is far from announcing the end of this legal battle.

An appeal of the court decision?

Wednesday 22 May, Sébastien Cauet was placed in police custody at the Minor Protection Brigade. Friday May 24, the Paris prosecutor’s office indicted Sébastien Cauet for rape and sexual assault as part of a judicial investigation. BFM TV reveals that he has been placed under strict judicial control, which forces him to follow a series of rules. Among them, the ban on exercising the profession of radio presenter – his professional activity began on a local radio at the age of 15, in his native Aisne.

Thus, he will have to “pay a deposit of 100,000 euros, report regularly to the police station, receive treatment and do not come into contact with the complainants or witnesses”specified the Paris prosecutor’s office BFM TV. But the star has not said his last word: his lawyers would like to appeal the indictment and the terms of his judicial review.

Cauet: “There was extortion”

Sébastien Cauet proclaimed his innocence on the set of BFM TV. Last December, he assured: “Three months ago we gathered all the documents, we gave everything to the police proving that there was extortion. I have been waiting for three months for things to move forward and this situation is starting to bother me. tired.” In this ordeal, the 52-year-old star can count on the support of his partner Nathalie Dartoisprofessional host and model, who defends it tooth and nail.

For the facts with which he is accused, Cauet faces a maximum sentence of 20 years of criminal imprisonment. On May 7, the Paris commercial court validated the decision of NRJ radio to remove the star from the air.



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