“L’Amour ouf”, a patapouf romance by Gilles Lellouche

“L’Amour ouf”, a patapouf romance by Gilles Lellouche
“L’Amour ouf”, a patapouf romance by Gilles Lellouche

Published on May 23, 2024 at 9:10 p.m. / Modified on May 23, 2024 at 10:41 p.m.

Everything opposes Jackie and Clotaire, but nevertheless they are destined to love each other, because if “life will try to separate them, nothing helps, these two are like the two ventricles of the same heart”, announces programmatic way the summary of Love phewsecond feature film directed solo by actor Gilles Lellouche after The Great Bath (2018). The story begins when a gang of thugs armed to the teeth rush into sedans, heading for a settling of scores that will inevitably be bloody.

As in so many films, we will then rewind the thread of the story which will lead to this moment T seen at the opening, and of which we therefore believe we know the outcome. Unless Lellouche has betrayed the spectator’s trust, that he has immediately led us on a boat to show us something that may not happen… After this prologue and before an epilogue, two acts will show us this phew love which unites Jackie (Mallory Wanecque) – who is actually called Jacqueline – and Clotaire (Malik Frikah).

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