This dress shape popular in 2010 will be a huge success this summer

Although temperatures have been rising a little lately, we are not yet in summer weather. On the store shelves, however, there are plenty of light outfits. Little tops, mini skirts or summer dresses are everywhere. If you are looking for a nice little dress for the hot days ahead, one style would be preferred.

The dress shape to choose this summer

Already adopted by several celebrities, it is the trapeze dress which should see its success further grow in the coming months. It was particularly in the 2010s that it experienced its glory days, before falling into oblivion for some time.


Taking its name from its shape equivalent to a trapezoid, this dress is perfect for warm days. It is in fact very flared from below the chest, which makes it a light and fluid outfit, ideal for better withstanding the heat.


Available in all imaginable colors and patterns, you will have no trouble finding it in stores. All brands put it in their own sauce. It will undoubtedly be one of the biggest hits of the summer.

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This skirt popular in the 2000s that we didn’t think we’d see again will soon be everywhere



NEXT Valady. Jean Couet-Guichot and Gaya Wisniewski, two artists in residence within the region