Gérard Depardieu loses his temper and hits a paparazzi! (PICTURES)

Gérard Depardieu loses his temper and hits a paparazzi! (PICTURES)
Gérard Depardieu loses his temper and hits a paparazzi! (PICTURES)

Gérard Depardieu, already in turmoil following numerous accusations of sexual assault against him, is once again at the center of a controversy after attacking the paparazzi with punches. The events occurred this Tuesday, May 21 around 2 p.m. at Harry’s Bar, a famous restaurant in the Italian capital.

RTL reports that the actor was eating with relatives when Rino Barillari, a famous Italian paparazzi, approached him to take a photo. Not wanting to be photographed, the tone rose. It was first the actor’s companion who tried to hold the photographer by the arm. Gérard Depardieu then punched him several times in the face.

I saw with my own eyes Depardieu start to beat Barillari before the carabinieri arrived and questioned several witnesses. And then an ambulance arrived to take Barillari away”, says journalist Gianni Riotta, present at the time of the incident.

The paparazzi has already declared that he wants to file a complaint for assault and battery against the actor.



NEXT Valady. Jean Couet-Guichot and Gaya Wisniewski, two artists in residence within the region