Video. The “Little Prince”, “like a little film” at the Bassins des Lumières in

Propose the adaptation of a work for children, but which also appeals to parents and grandparents, for the All Saints’ Day holidays: the idea had already worked with “Tintin, the immersive adventure”, which attracted 200 000 people between the end of October 2023 and the beginning of January 2024. Les Bassins des Lumières is offering it again with “The Little Prince, the immersive odyssey”. From October 18 to December 31, 2024, several hundred images taken from or inspired by the work of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry are animated, set to music and projected in the first four pools of the submarine base. Those managed by the Culturespaces company since 2020.

While the Bassins des Lumières had until now offered programs inspired by painting (Klimt, Dalí, Vermeer, etc.), architecture (Venice, Gaudí, etc.) or comics (Tintin, therefore), this is the first time that a literary work is adapted. And this is the first time that the projected work is a story, that of the meeting between an aviator injured in the Sahara and this little boy from another planet. “Like a little 43-minute film,” says Nicolas Charlin, the artistic director.

The creation of this video mapping program corresponds to the 80th anniversary of the death of Saint-Exupéry.

Thierry David

The idea of ​​this adaptation is linked to the 80e anniversary of the death of Saint-Exupéry, in 1944, and it is due to the popularity of “The Little Prince”: 15 million copies sold in since its publication in 1943, 300 million worldwide, 5 million sold each year . “It is the most translated work. It is available in 600 languages,” explains Thomas Rivière, representative of the Succession Saint-Exupéry, with whom Culturespaces designed this video mapping program.

“There is great technicality in the minimalist style of Saint-Exupéry. This is what makes this graphic universe immediately recognizable”

Minimalist style

By adapting the text to the image therefore. Certain passages have become cartoon sequences, such as the aviator’s accident or the discovery of the Little Prince’s asteroid by a Turkish astronomer. Some sentences are projected as is. Including the famous “Please draw me a sheep”. And then there are the forty drawings and watercolors made by Saint-Exupéry, which are reproduced and animated, with other sketches provided by his estate.

The discovery of the rose, a turning point in history.

Thierry David

Redrawing drawings by Saint-Exupéry: a delicate task? Nicolas Charlin agrees: “there is great technicality in this minimalist style. This is what makes this graphic universe immediately recognizable. We must manage to extend this line without distorting it. »

To do this, following the narrative of the story – the meeting, the discovery of the planet of the Little Prince, his conversation with the snake, more protective than dangerous… – was a safeguard. “Even if we also allowed ourselves to promote certain chapters. I particularly like the farewell scene, which contains a lot of quotes as well as a lot of graphic creations. »

The farewell scene, one of the richest in graphic creations.

The farewell scene, one of the richest in graphic creations.

Thierry David

Everything is highlighted by a wide choice of music: Neil Young, M, Ennio Morricone soundtracks for Sergio Leone westerns or classical music. Including “The Carnival of the Animals” by Saint-Saëns, of course, for a story that talks about sheep, foxes and snakes.

2:30 p.m.-8 p.m. during holidays. From 2:30 p.m. to 6, 7 or 8 p.m. thereafter. €7 to €15.



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