This town in -Atlantique celebrates amateur theater all this week

This town in -Atlantique celebrates amateur theater all this week
This town in Loire-Atlantique celebrates amateur theater all this week


Editorial Clisson

Published on

Oct. 14 2024 at 8:58 am

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It’s a busy week which is announced again for the theater lovers has Clisson. In total, thirteen plays will be performed on the stages of the Espace Saint-Jacques, between Monday October 14 and Saturday October 19, during the 10th edition of the Autumn Trestles.

The festival has now acquired its notoriety and many troupes have proposed their candidacy. This year again, we were not able to respond favorably to all requests.

Joël Bonnemaison, co-organizer of the event, in partnership with the town hall.

A festival which, in recent years, has recorded a attendance between 800 and 1,000 people during the weekfor a gauge of 110 places in the old priory.

Five awards on the list

Of the thirteen pieces presented, eleven of them will compete for different prizes which will be delivered on Saturday afternoon: best creation, best actor, best actress, best direction and City of Clisson Prize.

During this awards ceremony two pieces, out of competition, will be performed for the pleasure of the public.

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Most of the troupes that will perform are local or regional. Clisson, -Atlantique, Vendée, Maine-et-Loire and Ille et Vilaine are represented. The repertoire will be that of comedy, in all its styles, joyful, funny or more serious. All are new pieces in Clisson, never performed in the 10 years of existence of our festival. There is something for everyone

Joel Bonnemaison.


• Monday October 14
At 4:30 p.m., inauguration of the 10th edition of the festival, in the presence of Christophe Bourseiller, guest of honor of the festival.
At 5 p.m., The God of Carnage by Yasmina Reza, by the company Le Petit théâtre de la Boissière de Montaigu.
At 8:30 p.m., Le Fest-Noz n’aura pas place by Nicole Attuil, by the Petit Théâtre 44 (Guérande).
• Tuesday October 15
At 5 pm, Dance floor memories of Lucie Depauw, by the sky the Asphodèle (Besné).
At 8:30 p.m., Bitter Fruits by the Isabelle Pennel trio, by Arts, Scène et Compagnie (Montaigu).
• Wednesday October 16
At 5 p.m., Waiting for Bojangles by Olivier Bourdeaut, by the company Baltimbanques (Clisson).
At 8:30 p.m., A Sacred Sunday by Lionel de Messey, by Troupe 13 on stage (Treize-Septiers).
• Thursday October 17
At 5 p.m., The Martin Piche Case by Jacques Mougenot, by the Théâtre des Cinq company ().
At 8:30 p.m., Un fil à la patte by Georges Feydeau, by the Comédie Mi-Sèvre Mi-raisin (Rezé).
• Friday October 18
At 3 p.m., Old Saybrook by Woody Allen, by the company Le petit clap (Rezé).
At 5 p.m., Take Me by Fabien Morin, by the company Les Machines à Truc ().
At 8:30 p.m., Black suits you so well by Jean Marsan, by the company 1R2JEU (Ste-Pazanne).
• Saturday October 19
At 2:30 p.m., Des amours, by Sébastien Garcia (out of competition) by the company Min’ de Rien ().
At 4 p.m., awards ceremony for the Les Tréteaux de l’Automne festival.
At 5:30 p.m., Folle Amanda, from Barillet and Grédy (out of competition) by the company Les Vingtenaires ().

A guest of honor

And as for every edition, there is a guest of honor. This year, Christophe Bourseiller, writer, actor and journalist, will be present on October 14 for the launch of the festival.

His face will inevitably say something: perhaps not the one where, at 4 years old, he played the role of Gaston in The War of the Buttons d’Yves Robert (1962), but more the one that appeared in the diptych by the same director An elephant is very deceptive et We will all go to heaven (1976-1977), or even Profs by Patrick Schulmann alongside Patrick Bruel et Fabrice Luchini.

Christophe Bourseiller, writer, actor and journalist, will be the guest of honor at the 10th edition of the amateur theater festival. ©Autumn Trestles

Les Tréteaux de l’Automne, amateur theater festival, at the Espace Saint-Jacques, from October 14 to 19. Free and without reservation, it is however prudent to arrive a little early.

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