the incredible comic book story of an artist, “balance” of the founder of the terrorist group Direct Action

the incredible comic book story of an artist, “balance” of the founder of the terrorist group Direct Action
the incredible comic book story of an artist, “balance” of the founder of the terrorist group Direct Action

Philippe Collin, journalist at Inter and Sebastien Goethals create a graphic novel worthy of a thriller. L’Escamotor follows the role and destiny of a troubled character, Gabriel Chahine, an artist from . This comic also takes us into part of the history of the terrorist group Action Directe, founded by Jean-Marc Rouillan in the 1970s.


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It was on the terrace of Florida in Toulouse in 1974 that Gabriel Chahine met Jean-Marc Rouillan. The Toulouse artist and the future founder of the terrorist group Direct Action, from the anti-Franco movement, become closer, before Chahine betrays Rouillan.

A story put into words and drawings in this book L’Escamotor. Gabriel Chahine, a Toulouse artist, a troubled and romantic character. “I was initially afraid of these two pitfalls. Either to make them a team of slightly stupid fools in quotes or to make them romantic heroes that neither of them are . But we found this virtue of Chahine which allows us to be at the right distance between these two pitfalls.explains Philippe Collin, journalist at France Inter.

L’Escamotor by Philippe Collin and Sebastien Goethals is published by Éditions Futuropolis.

© Ftv

The violence of the far-left terrorist group Direct Action founded by Jean-Marc Rouillan marked an entire era. Gabriel Chahine is in reality a sort of double agent, an informant, a snitch who enabled Rouillan’s arrest in 1980.

The two authors Philippe Collin and Sebastien Goethals investigated to try to understand this character and understand his motivations.

L’Escamotor by Philippe Collin and Sebastien Goethals is published by Éditions Futuropolis.

© Philippe Collin and Sebastien Goethals

“He’s a very romantic person, he tried to have a life bigger than his own at the beginning. He clearly doesn’t like borders. He likes to wander from one world to another. He is a conjurer. He always hides part of the truth to seduce his interlocutor.says Sebastien Goethals.

Gabriel Chahine will be assassinated by the Action Directe group, two years later in 1982. From doubts to questions, the authors have explored all the traces left by this con artist but gray areas remain.

L’Escamotor by Philippe Collin and Sebastien Goethals is published in Editions Futuropolis.



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