Camille Lellouche: her beautiful gesture towards Slimane, despite the end of their friendship

Camille Lellouche: her beautiful gesture towards Slimane, despite the end of their friendship
Camille Lellouche: her beautiful gesture towards Slimane, despite the end of their friendship

Camille Lellouche and Slimane met long before becoming stars. The two became friends at a time when both artists were hoping to break into singing. Companions in trouble from a bygone era, they would no longer see each other.

It was Camille Lellouche who revealed the end of their friendship in her autobiography, tell you everythinga few weeks ago. “We had in common the rage to succeed, the absolute necessity to sing. He became my friend, my friend of piano bars, crazy nights, songs at the top of his lungs in the cool streets of early Parisian mornings. “, wrote the singer in her book.

Camille Lellouche and Slimane are no longer dating

After Slimane’s victory in The Voice in 2016 and the consecration of Camille Lellouche on social networks, the two stars moved away.Today, we no longer hang out. The trials of life have separated us.“, revealed the interpreter of Do not judge me. However, a few hours before the grand final of the Eurovision contest in which Slimane is participating, the singer made a strong gesture towards her former friend.

This is the first time that the singer represents France during the famous European competition. According to recent polls, Slimane is currently fourth in voting intentions fans of the show. With his song My lovethe artist hopes to reach the first places on the podium during the final on May 11.

Slimane hopes to win Eurovision final

To win, Slimane worked a lot staging of his performance. It will be filmed entirely in sequence during his live show. Dressed all in white and adorned with multiple jewels, the star will focus on emotion during the interpretation of her title.

In order to reach the top places in the competition, Slimane will have to count on the votes of European viewers. Every voice counts, so Camille Lellouche’s strong gesture towards her former friend turns out to be very important.

Camille Lellouche’s strong gesture for her former friend

Indeed, the comedian and singer publicly called on her community to vote for Slimane during Eurovision. If the French cannot vote for their own representative, residents of countries like Belgium and Switzerland could give their voice to the singer.

“Vote 25”, she wrote soberly during a story published on her Instagram account. She also shared some images of Slimane’s performance during the semi-final of the competition, in order to encourage her community to mobilize for the singer.

Does this support publicly provided by Camille Lellouche announce the return of his friendship with little Esmeralda’s dad? No one knows at the moment. However, this strong gesture towards the one with whom she started bodes well for a future reconciliation.



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