Tell me – L’Orient-Le Jour

Tell me – L’Orient-Le Jour
Tell me – L’Orient-Le Jour

What were you like before all this?

Before the wrinkles,

Before the anguish,

Before your clenched jaw,

Before your closed fists,

Before your silence;

How did you sing?

How were you before?

Before the guns,

Before the bombs,

Before the shelters,

Before the snipers,

Before fear;

How did you dream?

Were you okay before?

Before the martyrs,

Before the parties,

Before the factions,

Before the militias,

Before the coups,

Before all that;

How did you pray?

Before the dams,

Before the shells,

Before the breakdowns,

Before the planes,

Before the stray bullets,

Before the riddled walls,

Before the mines,

Before the bus,

Before the events,

Avant 75…




The texts published in the “Mail” section are the sole responsibility of their authors. In this space, “L’Orient-Le Jour” offers its readers the opportunity to express their ideas, comments and thoughts on various subjects, provided that the comments are neither defamatory, insulting or racist.

What were you like before all that? Before the wrinkles, Before the anguish, Before your clenched jaw, Before your clenched fists, Before your silence; How did you sing? What were you like before? Before the guns, Before the bombs, Before the shelters, Before the snipers, Before the fear; How did you dream? Were you good before? Before the martyrs, Before the parties, Before the factions, Before the…



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