TF1 leaks information on Emilien’s future within 12 strokes of noon

Will Emilien’s incredible journey in Les 12 coups de midi soon come to an end? In addition to recent comments from Jean-Luc Reichmann, a “meat” from TF1 was revealed in the press…

It’s now been more than a year since Emilien, a 21-year-old history student, has had a string of victories in Les 12 coups de midi on TF1. Since his first participation on September 25, 2023, the young man from has shattered all records. In more than 370 broadcasts and winning no less than 13 mysterious stars, he has accumulated the staggering sum of 1.5 million euros in winnings and gifts. A meteoric rise which commands respect, but which also seems to be starting to disturb some.

Because if Emilien can count on strong sympathy among the public, his undivided reign annoys more and more on social networks. Many fans of the show express their weariness and even suspect TF1 of favoring its favorite, believing that the suspense is somewhat nipped in the bud. The young champion’s opponents also arrive fearful and even disappointed for some, like at the slaughterhouse. So much so that recently, Jean-Luc Reichmann said to the person concerned: “You terrorize everyone! Be careful! Try to appear more empathetic […]. I don’t know if it’s physical, but psychologically, they take a hit!”

After yet another unexpectedly pointed response from Emilien last week (he found the pseudonym of comic strip artist Pierre Culliford, alias “Peyo”), an opponent reacted, as impressed as she was fatalistic: “He knows things , it’s crazy!” To which the star host of TF1 responded, always with humor, “it’s even unbearable to tell you the truth”, before adding: “But we like him, he’s been there for a year. He’s part of our daily lives now. We are reassured.

So when will Emilien’s journey in the 12 moves end? The media, starting with the Stars Actu site, revealed a huge bombshell from TF1 on this subject this week, which leaked a huge clue about the future of the young prodigy on the show. In a press release, the channel announced that it would soon honor the ELA association, which fights against leukodystrophies, during the week of October 14 to 20, 2024. “Jean-Luc Reichmann will receive throughout of the week of candidates who will compete to take Emilien’s place, in order to raise as much money as possible to support the ELA association”, writes the front page in particular.

This crucial information therefore indicates that Emilien will be present in Les 12 coups de midi at least until mid-October. After more than a year of reign over the game, the history student still has a few good days ahead of him, to the great dismay of some who find it long, but to the great relief of his fans who are also numerous . Whatever the date, his departure will in any case mark a turning point for the game of TF1 as no other candidate has ever done, not even Bruno (1 million winnings), Eric (more than 921,000 euros), Christian Quesada (more than 809,000 euros) or Paul el Kharrat (more than 691,000 euros).



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