Emmanuel Moire, sudden disappearance of his twin Nicolas at the age of 30, a shocking ordeal: “I can clearly see the state I am in today”

Emmanuel Moire, sudden disappearance of his twin Nicolas at the age of 30, a shocking ordeal: “I can clearly see the state I am in today”
Emmanuel Moire, sudden disappearance of his twin Nicolas at the age of 30, a shocking ordeal: “I can clearly see the state I am in today”

Five years after his last album Odyssey, Emmanuel Moire makes his comeback in the charts with a new hit called Be a man, an ode to his homosexuality which he revealed to the public in 2009 in an interview given to Stubborn. 2009, a pivotal year in the life of Emmanuel Moire, who, beyond his coming out, had to face a terrible ordeal: the loss of his twin Nicolas, seriously hit by a driver. After sixteen days in a coma, the young man succumbed to his injuries in January 2009, at the age of only 29.

Fifteen years later, Emmanuel Moire continues to sing of his sorrow. Guest of Bernard Montiel on RFM this Saturday May 4, 2024, the winner of season 3 of Dance with the stars alongside Fauve Hautot returned to this impossible mourning which changed him forever: “Like everyone, I am faced with experiencing things that are not necessarily easy. There is the question of resiliencebut beyond that, was it really this event that made me ask myself a lot of questions, that I was in search of meaning, of myself or of truth? asked the forty-year-old.

The death of his brother helped him assert himself

And to continue, moved and moving: “I have a lot of gratitude for this quest, because I also see clearly the state I am in today, and I think that one does not go without the other (…) I have a lot worked on myself to make sense because that’s what I like most, to be appropriate, sincere, to assert my uniqueness, and that doesn’t happen overnight. Anyway, for me…” confided the one who is in the main cast of the series Tomorrow belongs to us for three years.

Emmanuel Moire remained in denial for three years

Guest of Sophie Davant on France 2 in 2016 in the show It’s a storysince replaced by It starts today with Faustine Bollaert, Emmanuel Moire returned to this brutal loss: “It’s a part of me that’s gone. Before he died, I didn’t realize it was my twin brother. I think it took me at least three years to start grieving. At first, I wasn’t aware, I had a lot of anger. We don’t understand, we find it very unfair. It’s not the logical progression of things.” A long process of mourning, marked by denial, which he now heals with music.



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