Pradines. Alliance Pub, 15 years of expansion and a move

What a long way Odile Ségales and Nadalie Amouroux have come in fifteen years, since the creation of their advertising marking workshop, in 2009 in Regourd, in a premises of 63 m2, with a move in 2012 to the River de Regourd for 200 m2 and finally the completed project of a custom building, including a 400 m2 storage area, in Pradines. The move to Giganties in February 2024 was made a reality on Friday September 20 with an official inauguration with many guests.

Alliance Pub is a family business; Floriane, the eldest, works there and Liam will start an apprenticeship in January 2025 (Loane is still a high school student); without forgetting a team whose professionalism and good humor are daily assets! A work force and a state of mind praised by the mayor of Pradines Denis Marre and the deputy Aurélien Pradié, without forgetting the friendly intervention of Sabine Baldès, president of the CPME (Confederation of small and medium-sized enterprises). Friday evening was an opportunity to thank all the partners and friends who participated in the development of the company, around a buffet with a musical atmosphere with Bastingage.

Contact: 05 65 53 10 63; 14 impasse des Giganties in Pradines. Email: [email protected]. Website:


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