Louise Knobil, in verse and double bass

Louise Knobil, in verse and double bass
Louise Knobil, in verse and double bass

Juliette De Banes Gardonne

Published on September 23, 2024 at 8:27 p.m. / Modified on September 23, 2024 at 9:33 p.m.

Halfway between Ornette Coleman for the radicality of musical ideas and the vocal candor of Lisa Ekdahl, double bassist Louise Knobil signs a second very personal EP that clarifies her intentions: to leave more space for the double bass, and to take on lyrics now composed only in French. At 25, the musician already has an impressive touring schedule. And she doesn’t hold back from anything: jams until the end of the night for major festivals, prestigious sets for more confidential dates.

Anything goes to forge her leather and roll her hump in the profession. She has gained confidence in her singing voice, better placed on the breath. A hundred dates helps, as does the very positive media echo. “It gave me the strength to continue composing,” she explains. Her six new titles affirm her personality, revealing harsher research in the sounds in a trio of double bass, bass clarinet and drums.

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