Interview: Regina Parra between dream and mystery

Regina Parra between dream and mystery

The Brazilian artist on display at Mighela Shama in Geneva explores female desire and its unconscious like never before.

Published today at 6:15 p.m.

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Regina Parra has that je ne sais quoi that immediately puts you in a state of trust and a desire to confide. The delightful multidisciplinary artist is on show until October 18 at Mighela Shama in Geneva. For her first solo show in Switzerland, the young woman is unveiling nine oils on canvas created for the occasion. You should know that Parra, originally from São Paulo but whose studio has been in New York for a few years, is passionate. About what? Her roots, her country, her religion, Candomblé, but also Greek tragedy. She began her career with the great director Antunes Filho and this connection to the performing arts still permeates her work. Regina Parra is interested in the female body as a place of affirmation. Here, resistance plays with eroticism. Gripping.



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