3 things to know about Jimmy Mohamed, the new presenter of the show


Exit Marina Carrère d’Encausse: for this 2024 back-to-school season, it is the doctor and columnist Jimmy Mohamed who presents “Le magazine de la santé” on France 5. Here is what you need to know about this very media-friendly general practitioner.

It’s back to school for Jimmy Mohamed. This Monday, September 9, the doctor takes the reins of Magazine de la santé (renamed Mag de la santé) from 1:35 p.m. on France 5. Called to disappear at the end of last season, the medical popularization program of France Télévisions was saved in extremis following the discontent of the viewers, and therefore changes incarnation, it which was carried for 26 years by Marina Carrère d’Encausse. Who is its new host?

Also discover: “Le Magazine de la santé”: surprise, this well-known face from M6 will join the show at the start of the school year

Jimmy Mohamed, a general practitioner who continues to practice

Jimmy Mohamed is a general practitioner in Paris. Despite his busy schedule in the media, he continues to do consultations, as he explained on September 5 on Franceinfo. “Working at Magazine de la santé is doing public health. We have a public service mission, it’s a public health program: we alert, we advise, we guide and so I speak to hundreds of thousands of viewers every day. But to answer your question yes, I continue my activity as a doctor, I work at SOS Médecins, I make house calls. So when I finish TV, radio, on weekends, in the evening, when I have a gap, at that time, I do my shifts at SOS Médecins”, had…

- Femina.fr

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