Frédérique Bel re-establishes the truth about her elimination from the Traitors and reveals the behind the scenes of the game

Frédérique Bel re-establishes the truth about her elimination from the Traitors and reveals the behind the scenes of the game

Frédérique Bel was the guest of “Chez Jordan” this Monday, September 9, 2024 on C8. The actress took advantage of her presence at Jordan de Luxe to reestablish her truth about her elimination from “Traitors”, Eric Antoine’s game show on M6.

The last episode of Traitors was marked by a dramatic turn of events on Thursday, August 29, 2024 on M6. After having raged against the elimination of her friend Sylvie Tellier and having brought the suspicions of her comrades on Laurent Ruquier and Hugo Manos – traitors with her -, Frédérique Bel was taken out of the game. An act that left the viewers speechless.

Frédérique Bel explains her surprising strategy before leaving The Traitors

From the plateau of At Jordan’sthe actress returned to her surprise elimination from Traitors this Monday, September 9 on C8. She confessed to having told the producer of Eric Antoine’s show that she had created “a level of play that would seem like murder”. “At some point, I physically cracked… And I thought, ‘I’m not going to go to bed.’ I went to the producer and said, ‘Am I allowed to kill myself?’she said.

Frédérique Bel then committed to “do not counter the game”. “I went all the way physically. I told myself that I was going to finish her off like Rambo and that I was going to empty my magazine. For me, the only way out of the game was to get myself killed and get myself killed by a traitor. Now, if you watched the replays carefully, we see Hugo Manos putting down the red glass (the person who ended up drinking it, Sylvie Tellier, was…

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“Off camera, Frédérique Bel…”: Romain Puértolas at war with the actress, reveals his attitude in Traitors
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Koh-Lanta, The Cursed Tribe: One eliminated against a backdrop of betrayal, one banned back in the game and already an argument!


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