Vincent Lindon receives the Volpi Cup for best actor at the Venice Film Festival

Vincent Lindon receives the Volpi Cup for best actor at the Venice Film Festival

the French actor, already winner of the Best Actor Award at Cannes in 2015 and the César Award in 2016 ( The law of the market) has just been rewarded for his composition in Play with fire by the jury of the Venetian festival.

With the Volpi Cup in his hands, Vincent Lindon had trouble holding back his tears of joy. Thanking the jury of the Venice Film Festival who had just given him the prize for best actor, he finally let his words slip “I am extremely moved….I would like to thank Muriel and Delphine Coulin”.

This prestigious acting award, received after that of Cannes in 2016 and the César 2015 for his composition in The law of the marketrewards his portrayal of a father confronted with the ideological drift towards the ideas of the virulent extreme right of one of his sons in the film by Muriel and Delphine Coulin, Play with fire.

Also read“Artist status is not a totem of impunity”: Vincent Lindon’s confidences before the Cannes Film Festival

A little further on in his acceptance speech, Vincent Lindon, now 65 years old, explained why Play with fire had educational virtues for him: “Obviously, it’s interesting to make a film where there is a social framework, a societal subject that is taking on incredible importance today. And if we can participate in one way or another in the awakening or, in any case, the questioning of people, it’s very interesting for an actor.”

The French actor was crowned in Venice with another great actress of international renown Nicole Kidman. She received the female award for best performance for her performance in Baby girl by Helena Reijn. Absent from the ceremony, she nevertheless had these few moving words read on the stage of the Mostra: “I learned shortly after arriving in Venice of the death of my mother Janelle Kidman. I am in shock and I need to be with my family. This award is dedicated to her.”

Play with fire by Delphine and Muriel Coulin, in 2024, with Vincent Lindon, Benjamin Voisin…


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