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“Not a single euro”… Lucie Castets defends herself, Olivier Faure supports her

big salary – According to “Marianne”, the team of the official candidate of the New Popular Front has requested a monthly envelope of 51,000 euros to continue operating, and 9,000 euros for her

Lucie Castets reacted, on X, to the magazine’s revelations Marianne“Since my appointment on July 23, neither I nor anyone in my team have received a single euro from the New Popular Front,” assured the official NFP candidate at Matignon.

According to Mariannethe team of the official candidate of the New Popular Front requested a monthly envelope of 51,000 euros from the NFP to continue operating, and 9,000 euros “for her”.

A “totally voluntary” commitment

“A budget estimate had been proposed in July by the NFP, it was never implemented,” adds Lucie Castets, stressing that “the hundreds of hours of preparation, meetings and travel were carried out on a voluntary basis.”

“In a world of misinformation where disqualification is used as an argument,” Lucie Castets “has become a permanent target because she embodies the NFP,” the first secretary of the Socialist Party denounced on X. “Her commitment, like that of those around her, was completely voluntary throughout the summer. They deserve all our gratitude,” assured Olivier Faure.

A previous controversy

The controversy sparked by the revelations of M(…) - 20minutes

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