Wind turbine noise and low frequencies: what impact on humans? The sound emitted by wind turbines is caused by the blades turning in the wind. This noise is composed of several frequencies, including infrasound, very low frequency sounds, located below the human hearing capacity. Even if these infrasounds are not directly perceived by the human ear, they could have physiological effects and cause disorders, sleep disturbances or feelings of discomfort. The majority of scientific research has not confirmed these effects and even concludes that the levels of infrasound emitted by wind turbines are below the thresholds likely to cause harmful effects on our health.
At 500 metres from a wind turbine, i.e. the minimum legal distance between a wind turbine and a place of residence, the noise is comparable to that of a quiet conversation, i.e. less than 35 decibels, which is a low frequency. At this distance, the perceived noise is low, but can become a nuisance for some people. The potential consequences on human health and mental health, such as sleep disorders or anxiety, depend on individual sensitivity to noise. Thus, a minority of people who live near wind turbines report symptoms related to stress and anxiety, but these could also be influenced by worry about the presence of the wind turbines themselves (wind turbine syndrome). (…)
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