Nabilla launches a support kitty, Gisèle Pélicot asks for its closure

Nabilla launches a support kitty, Gisèle Pélicot asks for its closure

JUSTICE – Gisèle Pélicot does not want financial assistance. After a poignant testimony at the Mazan rape trial, where her husband and 50 men have been on trial since Monday, September 2, the victim thanked her lawyers on Friday, September 6, “all the people who have sent massive messages of support from all over the world.” However, write Stéphane Babonneau and Antoine Camus, Gisèle Pélicot “request closure” kitty pools opened in her favor. In her sights, that of Nabilla Benatia, who has already collected more than 30,000 euros.

Mazan rape trial: how investigators identified the attackers in this titanic affair

In a press release, Gisèle Pélicot’s lawyers emphasize that the latter “does not wish to open online support funds”. “Our client absolutely wishes to preserve the dignity and serenity of the proceedings currently taking place before the Vaucluse Departmental Criminal Court,” they add.

Nabilla had created a kitty on Thursday evening, which collected nearly 40,000 euros on Friday morning, September 6, out of a target of 100,000 euros. More than 2,000 people have already participated. “Madam, I was deeply touched by your story, I admire your courage and your strength. You are an example for all women on this earth”explained the influencer on the kitty website.

The reality TV star hoped to help the plaintiff reimburse her legal costs and the“to help get through this terrible ordeal.”

Screenshot Leetchi Nabilla created a kitty to help the complainant in the Mazan rape case, Gisèle Pélicot.

Chemical submission at the heart of the trial

The victim’s husband, Dominique Pélicot, is accused of drugging his wife with anti-anxiety drugs for about ten years. He is on trial for recruiting men on the Internet to come and rape her while she was unconscious, as shown in videos recovered from the suspect’s computer by investigators.

“All I have left are my children, two suitcases and my dog. I have lost everything, my husband, my life. I no longer know who I am, or where I am going, I no longer have an identity.”said Gisèle Pélicot at the bar on Thursday, September 5. Recalling why she opposed the closed hearing in this case, for ” a complete, total advertisement, all the way through” of her story, she dedicated her testimony to the victims who “will wake up with absences, gynecological suffering (…), so that no more women are victims of chemical submission.”

Also see on Le HuffPost :

Mazan Rape Trial: Gisèle P. Testifies for “Women Victims of Chemical Submission”

In “Envoyé Spécial”, the woman who accuses rugby players Auradou and Jegou of rape gives her testimony


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