Christophe Agius and Philippe Chéreau were the guests of Catch Club on Twitch this Thursday, January 23 to discuss, among other things, their book celebrating their 25 years of duo. You only have a few days left to get it at this link.
The subject of the arrival of WWE on Netflix was discussed, as is the status of Philippe Chéreau, who today comments only WWE shows on AB1 and Abxplore, leaving Christophe Agius at the microphone of Netflix alongside Nadir Mohammedi.
Asked about his contract, Philippe Chéreau said he is not under exclusivity contract with Mediawan Thematics, which allows him to “work elsewhere”. He added that he could “do what[il] wants as long as we are not in direct competition. “He tells us:
“The famous story of the contract. There are people who talk about my contract as if they had read it. My contract, very few people know it. There are me, my lawyers, the lawyers of Mediawan and my Boss of Mediawan. Real information: I have a contract that allows me to work elsewhere since I have already done so in the past.
-But it is clear that from the moment when, in this case, what is happening today, there is wrestling broadcast on the right and on the left, you have to ask me if I am already interested and you have to ask if I can do it. As long as we are not in direct competition, I can do what I want. “
Photo credit: Simply 2! 25 years old – Ulule
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