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These 3 Frozen Vegetables Are Healthiest, According to a Gastroenterologist

Regular consumption of vegetables is key to a healthy and balanced diet. However, according to this gastroenterologist, three frozen vegetables are still best for gut health. Find out which ones.

THE nutritionists recommend integrating vegetables into the diet to maintain a balanced diet. Apples, spinach, broccoli or apricots, all these fruits and vegetables contain nutritional qualities that benefit the body. What about vegetables when they are frozen? Some studies have shown that frozen fruits and vegetables retain a lot of chemical materials. However, Will Bulsiewicz, American gastroenterologist, comes to provide an update. According to him, three frozen vegetables are just as healthy as when they are fresh.

These three frozen vegetables are better for your health, according to an expert

Frozen vegetables and their benefits

The freezing is the practice of preserving food without adding preservatives for a long period of time. Frozen products are an alternative to fresh foods that have not been consumed after picking. As a result, frozen vegetables have many economic, health and nutritional advantages. In supermarkets, they have affordable prices unlike their organic equivalents. Practical, they are most of the time already cut and ready to use. Furthermore, when the freezing process has been well done, they keep their nutritional values ​​intact and have nothing to envy to fresh vegetables. To reinforce this aspect, gastroenterologist Will Bulsiewicz highlights three frozen vegetables in particular and specifies that they are important for intestinal health.


Broccoli is a cruciferous vegetable that is to say, its flowers grow in the shape of a cross. He is rich in fiber and contains anticancer phytochemical. Frozen, it no longer retains any toxic substances, reveals Kitchen boy. It tops the list of frozen vegetables that are healthier, according to the specialist.


The scroll is one of the frozen vegetables that is rarely found on the shelves of major brands. However, if you take a look at Franprix or in U stores, you won’t miss it on the shelves. Okra contains atypical mucilage. It is a viscous plant substance with a laxative and obesity-reducing effect. The specialist explains that frozen or fresh okra is very good for the human microbiomebecause it facilitates the assimilation of nutrients thanks to enzymes absent from certain human cells.

Other frozen vegetables that are good for gut health

Root vegetables

From root vegetables, we cite carrots, beets, parsnips or celeriac. These Autumn vegetables are also highly recommended by the expert. To better educate his subscribers, the gastroenterologist, using a planisphere, demonstrated via a video that people who eat frozen root vegetables live longer. Indeed, by regularly consuming these foods, they benefit from 65% of the calories coming from these vegetables and they fill up on energy. Moreover, he encourages his community to benefit from the privileges offered by the roots of frozen vegetables.

Frozen mushrooms

Frozen mushrooms retain their wide range of nutritional value and have the advantage of being available all year round and practical for cooking. They are good for your health because they have less fat and retain their vitamin intake and in antioxidant properties. Therefore, you can include them in your diet by accompanying them with ground beef for gourmet evenings and benefit fully from their health benefits. However, to be sure of making the right choice, be sure to check the labels.

Frozen foods close to fresh

The question of whether frozen products are good for your health is increasingly being asked. According to numerous studies and surveys carried out by experts, it appears that excess cold preserves vitamins and reduces the action of enzymes present in foods. Specialists and nutritionists recommend eating frozen root vegetables to ensure the longevity. By carrying out nutritional studies on these foods, they have proven that frozen fruits and vegetables retain 50 to 80% of their vitamins, particularly vitamins C and B9.


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