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health workshops at the training center

Tuesday, June 25, the Multi-trade Training Center (CFM) hosted three workshops on health. This action is part of a two-day operation in the region with four highlights intended for four different audiences: the CFM and its young people, employees, etc.

Tuesday, June 25, the Multi-trade Training Center (CFM) hosted three workshops on health. This action is part of a two-day operation in the region with four highlights intended for four different audiences: the CFM and its young people, employees of the Agerad integration project, job seekers monitored by the Community of communes of the Estuary (CCE), and residents of Blayais on the market.

To end their tour in Haute Gironde, the teams will meet with employees of the Tutiac cooperative. “This information is open to the eight apprenticeship sections at the CFA Estuaire and the CFA Industrie, as well as for continuing education and CFM staff present on the site,” confides the educational coordinator and disability referent of the CFM, Alice Da Rocha.

The different themes covered are cancer screening, addictions, diet, physical activity and a sedentary lifestyle. With the presence of the Health Truck of the Blaye Hospital Center, we are talking about tobacco and alcohol: “This glass is 0.10 g per liter of blood, you will take an hour to eliminate it,” warned the addictologist Jérôme Gilliard accompanied by the prevention and health promotion officer Sarah Berek, and the psychologist from the local Mission Lucie Breton.

Physical activity

In front of the Bergo’bus, the prevention and health promotion project manager of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Regional Cancer Center Agathe Dupuy raised awareness about cancer screening, vaccination, and the importance of a balanced diet. , physical activity, and addictions.

A workshop to promote physical activity highlighted the triptych of eating, moving, sleeping. “The Bergo’bus, whose action is supported by the Regional Health Agency (ARS) and the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region, visits all the departments of Nouvelle-Aquitaine to offer awareness-raising and information actions. Its actions are personalized in order to drive sustainable territorial dynamics,” comments Zeinab El Hajj, a Master 2 in health promotion.


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