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A day of prevention on the risks of the sun with students from Montpellier

“Sun cream, a hat, clothes, even when there are clouds, because the sun shines through!” Six-year-old Isaac summarizes everything he learned during the 27th day of the Epidaurias of the Sun. On June 14, 2024, children from four classes from Montpellier schools participated in several workshops to understand the dangers linked to the sun.

To help them, they could count on the advice provided by Candice Lesage, dermatologist. Skin cancers affect older people, so You might as well start protecting yourself right away. : “It is scientifically proven that too much exposure to the sun in the first fifteen years of life doubles the chances of developing skin cancer.”


Since the 1990s, the number of cases affected by this disease has tripled. For Candice Lesage, it is the consequence of bad habits : “The populations who grew up between the 60s and 80s had very few prevention messages to alert them about the sun. These are the patients we are treating now, and we have a lot of work.”


As summer approaches, it is better to keep informed of good practices: “The cream comes second. The best way to protect yourself is not to go in the sun,” concludes Candice The wise man.


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